gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

aotearoa|catch up!

so, i think the last time i blogged about nz was, um…day 8.  (which was probably several days AFTER day 8, but…let’s not focus on that.)

on day 18, my friend jeremy from college was going to be in town for a day (which was confirmed, oh, the day before…so i was scrambling to find a car!), so i picked him up fron the airport, and showed him a few of my favourite sites in my neighbourhood.  after, of course, we went back to my flat so he could nap on the couch.  those trans-pacific flights are pretty wretched.  however, it was raining, so we didn’t feel bad crashing (why do flights have to get in at 7am?).  AND…by the time sleeping beauty had awoken, the rain had stopped, and we had nothing but blue skies.

first stop was, of course, kebab stop…then we walked up mt eden.  auckland was built on auckland volcanic field…so, there are about a bajillion extinct volcanoes dotting the city.  they’re referred to as “domains”, which is essentially city/government property set aside to be a park in the city.  these parks are kind of hilarious, because they are frequently home to livestock.
yes, that is a cow, and that is the central business district skyline, a scant 2.5 kilometers away (about 1.5 miles)  (i had my camera set on taking black and white jpegs, which disappointed me when i got home, because this was way cooler in colour.)

it was incredibly windy up there that day!
i told jeremy this was going to be his cd cover…but, uh, he’s not really a musician. so.
after dinner we headed over to mission bay for overpriced swiss ice cream. mmmmm. we stopped and climbed up bastion point first…it’s got amazing views of the city and of rangitoto, and there’s a bunch of old bunkers up there that are fun to explore. it was getting ready to storm and in fact rained on us a bit when we were up there, but the colours were freaking incredible.

then, um…day 26 or so…i went w/ my former flatmate andy and his relatively new wife beks up to long bay.  it isn’t a particularly exciting beach, but it was a hot day, and we were all feeling fairly lethargic, so an outing of any kind was a victory, really.  it was nice to float around in the coolish water and relax.  i left my camera in the car (better in a locked “boot” than unattended w/ a beach towel, right?), so these are photos from the car ride home.

victoria park market was one of the VERY FIRST places someone took me my FIRST time in nz…way back in 2001. (gosh, nearly 8 years ago! crikey! (and yes…i say crikey when i’m here. and knackered and munted and aye and all sorts of other funny words.)) i liked the way the angle of the road positioned it in relation to the sky tower…basically the symbol of the auckland skyline.

that’s it for this post…next up will be my trip to the south island!

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erin Michelle20 February 2009 - 19:44

wow, beautiful. I LOVE 6-9!

Becky Miller25 February 2009 - 16:11

Those grass / sky photos are so melancholy…I didn’t even know photographs could BE melancholy. Awesome.

nicki & shane–married (part 1 of 2)|portland, maine wedding photographer

nicki & shane also found me through cityside events. they were planning their fantastic new england fall wedding from very far away (when they first contacted me, shane was stationed in south carolina, and by the time their wedding rolled around, they’d moved to texas.)

and if that wasn’t enough, it was a GORGEOUS fall day, and the amazing shyla came with me!

(hilarious: we had the dress out in front of the motel where everyone was getting ready, and then i saw a bunch of uniformed men come out…and started freaking out. shane isn’t with you guys, is he?! as i tried to shield the dress w/ my 5’3″ frame…while it hung in a tree…apparently he was too nervous to really notice anything that was going on, so…it was ok.)

these gorgeous shots of nicki and her bouquet and the girls lining up to walk down the aisle were taken by shyla.

my view

shyla’s view

i happen to know that the one on the left here is one of nicki and shane’s favourites–they both use it as their facebook profile picture! (both of these taken by shyla)

and because the sabre arch was basically my favourite part of the whole wedding and about 94% of the reason i so desperately wanted to shoot a military wedding (and would be happy to shoot them once a month until i honourably discharge my camera), i am going to gratuitously post every slight difference in sword position. commencing…now:

yes, they stopped them and made them kiss at each point of the arch.
by shyla

whew. that’s about 400 photos, and i’m only at the end of the ceremony…i think i’m going to have to break this sucker into two parts, because there were some ROOOOCKIN’ family portraits, bridal party portraits, and general awesomenesses which occurred at the reception.

(ps, shane…i threw a special tag on here JUST FOR YOU!)

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Nicki20 February 2009 - 11:38

Amazing! Thank you so much Gwyn. “honourably discharged my camera”…I love the way you put things into words! Thank you so much for the shout out and link…I truly appreciated it!


Becky Miller20 February 2009 - 13:08

I have those exact same Moroccan lanterns!

monica flores20 February 2009 - 13:50

beautiful as always. i love the shot of her laughing at the alar. gorgeous.

[…] it’s been a while since i posted the first half of nicki & shane’s gorgeous, fall military wedding.  there was too much awesomeness to […]

[…] it’s been a while since i posted the first half of nicki & shane’s gorgeous, fall military wedding.  there was too much awesomeness to […]

military wedding details|military wedding photographer

most of these were taken by the ever talented shyla.  i love the details of uniforms and sabres and covers and medals so much that i decided to give them their own post.  (also, because there are fewer of them, and i don’t need to say as much about them, so it’s easier to procrastinate on crafting the main post about this wedding by, uh…doing something else.)  but stay tuned, it should be coming soon!

choosing to add a 2nd shooter onto your coverage ensures that you will receive even richer and more detailed coverage.  when i am shooting alone, i always make sure to pay attention to those little details i know people have put so much time and care into, but when i’m a second shooter, i know those are my main focus!  for instance, many of these images are things shyla saw while i was seeing the bigger picture or wrangling groups together for the requisite mantle shot or getting the shot that would definitely be missed if it weren’t taken.  i don’t always have time to focus in on the hilt of the sabre or the major’s oak leaf…but going through the images later, they add so much to capturing the feel of the day.

i’m not gonna lie…i do SO love to make a groomsman (or even better–the groom!) hold the bouquet…and this is just 100x’s better because it’s a tough marine in uniform.

(and for the curious ones…all of these are shyla’s except the 2nd one down, 4th one down on the left, and the bottom 2.  isn’t she amazing?!  i (and nicki & shane) were so lucky to have her talent and eye with us!)

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ellie15 February 2009 - 08:34

Beautiful! You got a military wedding, yay!!! It looks amazing.

jess15 February 2009 - 17:00

beautiful detail shots! but get on the wedding post! haha. 😉

gwyn15 February 2009 - 17:17

thanks ellie!
and jess…ok, ok! i’m workin’ on it.
and anyone planning a military wedding…hire me!

Becky Miller16 February 2009 - 00:39

LOVE the chaplain shots. Love them. And the layering of the dress medals and the depth of field/focus on those.

awesome bridey things|nh wedding photographer

1. if i were planning my own wedding currently (which, um, unconsciously i basically always am. hey…leave me alone. i am a girl, i am a j on the meyers-brigg thingy, and i GO TO WEDDINGS FOR A LIVING.), i would wind up with a dress almost exactly like the ones chris kole makes over on the cotton bride. i swoon. and…may the record reflect, i have been saying i wanted a cotton wedding dress since i was like, 2. ok, not that long, but for a really long time. but i draw the line at spending hours searching for white on white cotton polka dot fabric. i would NEVER do that. i would also never contemplate buying a j. crew celeste dress just for the fabric even though i’m nowhere near engagedville. that’s just crazy.

2. i got altared out of the library today. it is fantastic. i kind of don’t want to keep reading it, because…then i’ll finish it. kind of like a cookie…SO. GOOD. you want it to last for way longer than it realistically will. or maybe that’s just me…with the cookies.
anyway, it’s a series of anecdotal essays about various wedding related things written by women who are engaging and hilarious. you should read it.

3. this is not bridey in any way…but i am going to the south island of new zealand tomorrow for a few days. i’m bringing my camera, so…eventually, maybe in 2010 you’ll see some pictures from it.  the point is…if you want to email me, please do, but i will not be back near my computer until monday, 2/9 your time.

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