gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer


sometimes i struggle with believing what i do is truly important.  that it makes a difference in the world.  oh, i know…i am capturing memories and love and life and beauty…and people treasure those things, but what about the starving children in the world?  what about injustices…slavery and child trafficking?  how does taking pretty pictures make the world a better place?

i’ve heard stories from other photographers’ clients…”my grandpa died a few months after my wedding.  this is the last picture we have of us together, and he looks so happy.  thank you so much for preserving that moment for me.  i will always treasure it.”  and that’s just theoretical to me…i never expected to be glad for my own sake that i took pictures of things that were important to me.

my cat died today.  some neighbours called to say they’d found him.  he’d been hit by a car.  we weren’t totally sure it was him when we went to look.  i couldn’t even do it; my landlord did it for me.  but, as i’d known driving up…of course it was.  i’m so glad that i took pictures of him throughout his life.  if you don’t want to see…just don’t press play.  but there’s a slideshow just below.  i both smiled and wept as i searched through my archives for pictures of his life.  he was really a tremendous cat.

**i KNOW that some of these are terrrrrible photos, from a quality standpoint, but i couldn’t bear to let them go…i hope you can understand and forgive me.**

this one is probably my favourite of him.

goodbye mao-cat. you were the best cat i ever had, and i will really miss you.
i can’t imagine not having any pictures of him…so, when i get back from nz, i will be posting a special on lifestyle portrait sessions…you with your furry beasties. if you’re interested, comment here or email me, and we’ll schedule them for march or april.

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b10 December 2008 - 02:02

I cried. Mao was lovely, and I’m so sorry he’s gone.

Amy10 December 2008 - 02:28

Hey – I’m soooo sorry! It is horrible. Mao cat is truly a part of your life, I’m happy to have met him.

rachel10 December 2008 - 02:43

oh man. what a sad thing to happen. you know I hate cats, but I love mao for keeping you company and making you giggle. he lived a splendid vocation and now RIP little dude.

meg10 December 2008 - 08:50

oh gwyn… this just made me cry. david & i are both so, so sad for you. r.i.p. mao.

Kate10 December 2008 - 08:51

Oh no, I’m so sorry that you lost your kitty. They really do leave little paw prints on your heart, huh. It is nice to hear that it reminded you why photography is important, we are creating memories for people to have forever…

Melissa Koren10 December 2008 - 09:50

This was lovely – how wonderful to have such a sweet face in your life to fill your memories!

Amanda10 December 2008 - 15:35

So sorry about your cat! I love the slideshow …..made me all warm inside!

JennieDee10 December 2008 - 22:36

Joe and I are so sorry gwyn… r.i.p mao

Julia11 December 2008 - 13:19

Oh Gwyn, I’m so so sorry. Andrew and I got a cat only a few months ago and he’s already so central to both our lives. My most sincere best wishes and condolences. He looks like he was a brilliant cat.

a story in 3 images + bonus!

sometimes, when i know i’m going to have a 2nd shooter, i bring my laptop along and try to macguyver a sneak-peak slideshow while all the guests are eating.  the few times i’ve been able to do so, everyone has loved it and my lil macbook pro has had a crowd around it during the dancing hours.

it is, of course, very gratifying for me…so i took a photo.

and here’s doug taking a photo of me taking a photo of people looking at the photos i already took.

and here’s doug looking at the photo he just took of me taking a photo of people looking at the photos i already took.

and last, but certainly not least…here is…the doug.  after the first wedding he shot with me, people in the bridal party told me they thought we were married, we were together, he was gay.  none of those things are true, and ladies…he’s single.  and i have his phone number.  i’ll give it to you if you want it!

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Molly8 December 2008 - 16:51

That Doug guy is hot. But yeah, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t date girls with mustaches. Sad times.

Claire9 December 2008 - 19:56

Why on earth would you give that boy’s phone number away!

Chris L11 December 2008 - 14:00

Gwyn, that recursion of photo of photo of photo of makes my head spin. 🙂

gwyn11 December 2008 - 14:40

that was kind of the point, chris. 😀


reminder #3:  print orders MUST be received by 12/10 to guarantee christmas delivery.  NO orders accepted (no exceptions) after 12/15.  (orders will resume approximately 3/15, maybe slightly sooner.)

and HOLIDAY SPECIAL!!  there has been a minimum order in effect for print purchases…between now and 12/10, i am removing that minimum order requirement.  want to order just one 4×6?!  sure, go ahead…the shipping/handling fee will not go down, but there will be no minimum order.

if the gallery in which you are interested is no longer available, please email me gwyn @ gwynethcolleen . com (remove the spaces), and let me know the name of the couple.  i will make the gallery available again.


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my photo is…

remember when i asked you which one you thought was mine? there were only a few comments, but non-comment responses were unanimous.  everyone thinks the one on the left is mine.  (i got a few emails/phone call answers.)

it’s hilarious, because mine is the one on the right!

(i was challenging myself…because i was just tagging along on tammy’s shoot, and “getting the goods” did not rest on my shoulders, i decided to bring only ONE lens.  i brought my 100mm 2.8 macro.  this lens’ strengths include portraits from further away and shooting details super close up.  (which allowed me to get the below shot as well.))

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