gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

dave & polly: enaged

dave and polly drove up to portsmouth one fine afternoon *cough* a month ago. we frolicked about (froliced? no…why does past-tense frolicking look wrong. does that mean it’s one of those hindsight is 20-20 things…and it’s ill advised even in the present? that would make me sad, because i do enjoy a good frolic…it’s almost as much fun as gamboling or cavorting.) portsmouth winding up at my new mecca: the friendly toast. (it was a reunion…they’d introduced me to its delights at our meeting a few months back. i will be eternally in their debt.)

our session included lots of tree climbing…which, in my book, makes anything a success. polly and dave were real troopers…they were up for anything, and did all the silly things i asked with huge smiles on their faces. how could i not love them? also…dave kept us laughing with his pretend-hs-history-teacher speech about berlin or hitler or…i don’t really remember, i just remember laughing. without further ado…

guess who’s IN the tree. yes, that’s right. me. i was balancing precariously so that i could shake the branch w/ my foot and cause petal showers…and still manage to focus my camera and press the shutter…

confession: i totally have a crush on that tree. it’s in prescott park in portsmouth, and, um…if it were a man, i would marry it and have its babies. i have pictures of lots of people in it…and because polly was so awesome about clambering up there…and because they’d forgotten to get a photo of me up the other tree, i obliged once again.

aren’t they just impossibly cute?

(she was wearing red shoes when we met, too…and she wore polka-dots both times, as well. girl knows how to worm her way into my affections, that’s for sure!)

(enjoying the friendly toast.)

thanks for your patience with my crazy life, guys! i can’t wait to party in rhode island with you in september!

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Polly24 June 2008 - 06:31

We luff them SO SO much.
Thank you for being so talented.
xoxo Dave and Polly

technical difficulties

it’s probably a bit late to be announcing this, but i’ve been having some major website/email issues.

this site was down for part of last week (yeah…switching hosts while traveling is LOTS of fun! :-D) the flash portfolio link does not work (it’s being looked at). the html portfolio link works w/ a few unsightly error messages.

my email is working again, and i made copies of everything* before i switched.

*i TOLD it to copy everything–in the traditional meaning of the word, but “it” took liberties…and neglected to copy a few things. so…if you’re a client and you sent me an email in the last week or so…it may have gone to never-neverland.

i’ve also been away from home. a lot. i got a blissful 3 nights (including this one) at home after a 10-ish day trip including providence and indiana (wedding in indy, engagement session in newport, family session in providence), shot a wedding today (yesterday?–saturday, june 21st) in mass, and tomorrow i am headed to rye, nh to housesit for 2 weeks. i’ll be “in the loop”…but with the minor inconveniences of being 15 miles away from home.

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claire & bobby–part 1

first off, confession: this is my 2nd “claire” bride of the year…and they both have fellas whose names start w/ b. more than once i have typed “claire & ben”, when i really meant “claire & bobby”…and i don’t confuse them…ben has the pheremone-head that claire loves to sniff, and bobby is a giantman comic. v. different, no?

anyway, last saturday a couple weeks ago, i met claire & bobby at his family’s summer place on lake winnepesauke. great idea, in theory…the area is BEAUTIFUL…however, that area…in early may…what were we thinking? there were, well…you’ll see.

see those bugs?

and these bugs?

yeah…they were EVERYWHERE. i’m not proud of it, but i did squeal on occasion…and there was lots of uncontrollable windmill-hands going on.

once we got down near the water, the bug population dispersed a bit…and these two cracked me up…they were willing to be silly and did all the “mood lightening” poses i suggested.  (poses that usually don’t see the light of a proofing gallery, much less a blog post…)

um, yeah.  nh…lake winnepesauke…it’s slightly attractive.

so, these two…the way they work is…first, they’re all smooshy and lovey-dovey and and all “that’s why i fell in love with you.”

and then…

bobby has to go and bite her nose.

until they wind up here:

i’ve got a whole ‘nother series like this…only…that time…SHE started it.  😀

stay tuned for the not-silly photos!

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so, i just read this article from PDN magazine…they asked 3 brides to review 4 or 5 wedding photographer’s websites and then published their comments (and gave the wedding photographer a chance to respond.) i found it very illuminating…and it made me feel pretty good about my own site!

but…just in case…i thought i’d ask for some feedback. anyone care to share your experiences in navigating my website? the questions PDN asked for each site were:

+immediate first impressions once you were on the homepage
+what are your thoughts on the quality of the photography and how it is being presented?
+did you want to see more or less photos?
+could you make an informed decision about the quality of photography from what you saw on the site?
+what did you think of the photographer’s blog? did it hold your attention?
+does the personality of the wedding photographer emerge from the blog (i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say i don’t need to worry ’bout this one.)
+was it clear from the site what kind of services the photographer is offering and what the pricing is like?
+were there any extra features in the site that really appealed to you?
+was this site easy to use and navigate?
+in what ways could the photographer improve the site?
+if money was no object would you hire this photographer based on what you’ve seen?
+anything else?

so…i’d love to hear opinions if anyone’s got ’em. no need to even tell me your name! you can leave a comment anonymously (i prefer cartoon name pseudonyms.), or use the contact form on my website to email me w/o telling me who you are.

also, and here’s a shameless request for praise…if you’ve worked with me (and enjoyed it–well, if you didn’t i guess it would be good to know that, too) pretty please go give me a review on wedding wire or on my facebook page? pretty please?

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