gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

ben & amy: engaged|newport, rhode island wedding photographer

amy and ben are AWESOME.

we headed down to picturesque newport, rhode island on a lovely evening a couple weeks ago. i love newport. (did you know they have a yearly pirate festival? which has its own website here. also, i went to said pirate festival last year. i was hoodwinked into dressing up, too. i’m not proud of it.)

but this isn’t about pirates. this is about amy and ben and how hot and awesome they are. i could write about it for, say, a thousand words, but…isn’t there some saying about how pictures say it better?

first off…i couldn’t resist. we walked past an old school wedding/portrait studio, so i made them do an old school pose right in front of the sign.

(this is the same one i posted the other day…but b&w.)

(confession: i totally stole that daisy from in front of the newport fire station.)

(i’m not sure what it is that i love about this one…but i SO do!)

we’d been in newport all of…3 minutes…when the first person complimented amy. it was a (possibly homeless?) woman sitting on the sidewalk…she told amy she was sexy. ben–who is HILARIOUS–asked the woman, “what about me?” in a very injured/affronted manner. she assured him that he was very handsome, but i don’t think it particularly appeased him. (i think he might have also been slightly disconcerted that his fiancee was being hit on by a woman who appears to spend a lot of time on the sidewalk.)

about 20 minutes later, we were walking in a different part of town, and someone yelled out the window, “that girl in the green dress looks GOOOOOOD!”

also, several photographer friends of mine who saw one of the photos said, ‘she looks so much like drew barrymore–but prettier!’ i didn ‘t see the drew barrymore thing at first, but i will concur that she’s pretty gorgeous, and she and ben make a smokin’ hot couple.

guys–i can’t wait for your wedding at the glen manor in november!

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[…] amy & ben (of the super hot newport, ri engagement session last summer) were married last november (that’s right…november 2008. i told you…i am the world’s worst blogger.) at the glen manor house in portsmouth, ri. their incredible floral arrangements were done by the wildly talented sayles livingston. and amy makes the best sweet treats in the universe…she provided the favors/candy bar. […]

Solar Power Monitor11 January 2012 - 10:30

Not so good…

Not exactly worthy of parental disparagement, but still a waste of time….


alternate title:  impatient.

i went and hung out with ben and amy in newport, ri a week and a half ago…as soon as i saw this image on the back of my camera, i broke all my rules and showed them…”you guys are HOTT!”

i love this image, and while i usually choose one way to process an image and that’s how it’s presented, this one will probably be played with.  a lot.  this is just my first iteration.  😀  and i couldn’t wait to show these two off!

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claire & bobby-part 2

**i started this post, oh, roughly…a couple ice ages ago. LAST time everyone was worried about global warming. al gore’s caveman great-great-great-great-great-great (x70) grandfather made a cave-painting about his concerns.**

as promised, here are the lovely photos of claire & bobby…the ones that show their sweet, tender, loving sides…(though, there’s a fair bit of playfulness mixed in here, too.)

aren’t her eyes stunning?

this forest was magical…it’s one of those places that you see and feel, but when you try to capture it, you always fall short. much like mountain ranges, the ocean, etc…one of my greatest frustrations as a photographer. 😀

i’ve heard some people say they don’t like to hold hands…i don’t understand it myself. it’s such a tender, intimate gesture…”i want to be connected to you.” claire and bobby were connected the whole time.

this one kind of gives me chills. look how peaceful and at rest they are together. it’s like they didn’t even know (or care) that i was there. they were in their own special place.

this isn’t of them…it’s just a little ornament they had in front of their lake house, but i liked it.

claire thinks the “future mrs. ________” shorts/tank tops/etc are a bit silly, so bobby made her this shirt…i love it

these two have so much fun together…and their wedding is going to be a BLAST! only 2 more weeks! (i’ll wait till then to tell you about all the crazyawesomehilarious things they’ve got planned to celebrate their marriage.)

see you july 12th, guys!

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they don’t train you for this anymore!

i am housesitting in rye, nh for the next couple weeks…it’s less than 2 miles to the beach…i volunteered.

the people for whom i am housesitting have two animals…pepper, a gorgeous black chow mix (who looks like he’d be a linebacker if dogs played football), and mr. tux…an extremely large black and white shorthair.  mr. tux is a formidable hunter, and i was warned he might bring me trophies.  i foolishly hoped that warning would be unnecessary.  and yet…within about 30 hours of my arrival, i heard my sister call down to me, “gwyn, you need to come up here.”

i had no idea what it could be.  was the cat doing something cute?  had pepper vomited on the clean, beige carpet?  no and no.  unless you think bringing in and imprisoning a live chipmunk behind the dresser is “cute”.  (i don’t, for the record.)

bek told me it was a bird.  i think i’m glad she was wrong…adding flying into the mix would have made it even more dramatic.

without further ado

first sight…um, bek…that’s got a tail.  it’s not a bird.

a little closer…i think i scared it, because while i was trying to find a position where i could see through the viewfinder and get closer…it made some sort of scrabbling noise…i was just as freaked out as it was.

getting this angle was rather tricky…there were only a few inches of clearance between the wall and the dresser…

mr. tux got locked out of the room…but he REALLY wanted to come back in and finish what he started.


the chipmunk was “persuaded”, with the help of a large metal ruler i found, to leave his safe haven behind that dresser…he ran under the next one.  gah!  then he ran into the bathroom, which was actually better…closed the door…found a towel and threw it over him.  i THOUGHT i had him all wrapped up in a hobo’s suitcase (y’know when kids dress up as hobos and they tie a handkerchief by all 4 corners on the end of a stick?)  i thought i had all the corners of the towel all closed.  i didn’t.  and, i shrieked like a very girly girl when it wriggled out.  i finally got it, though, and we went outside to release the poor thing.  (bek said she heard it squeaking about 5 hours ago when she laid down for a nap.)

i was going to do it very slowly so she could get a good “after” shot…but that thing wanted no part of it.  it was squirmy and escaped right away.

i’m outta here!


i think that’s enough adventuring for one night.  may your homes be chipmunk free.

(there was also a minor adventure today when i took the dog for a walk and it looked like he decided to drop his kids off at the pool in what appeared to be a large patch of poison ivy.  because p.i. is spread by the plant’s oil…and oil stays on a dog’s fur…and i get REALLY BAD POISON IVY…to the point where death is almost desirable…i looked up pictures of leaves on the internet and made my sister DRIVE with me down to the spot where it happened to get a second opinion.  she told me i was crazy, it wasn’t p.i….which meant i didn’t have to wash the dog w/ dish soap and a hose i couldn’t get to work anyway.  phew!)

seriously…isn’t housesitting s’posed to just be watering plants, bringing in mail, and putting some kibble in bowls?

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