gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

hannah & jeff–married

hannah’s mom is a faculty member at wellesley, so it made lots of sense for them to get married at the wellesley college club.  the grounds, where they INTENDED to get married, are gorgeous.  unfortunately, it was deluging at go-time, so…fortunately for them, the inside was also not too shabby.

(here’s hannah having a good attitude, even though the weather wasn’t exactly cooperating.  also…she’s supposed to be all dark like that.  i just wanted the thumbs up silhouette so you could see the wet wet wetness of the scene.)

hannah decided that since her hair takes about 12 seconds to ‘do’, we’d skip the getting ready photos and start off with bride and groom portraits…i enjoyed the challenge of finding beautiful and interesting places to shoot inside the college club.  this was on an outside balcony off the room where the ceremony was held.

(hannah found her dress through me…very indirectly, and very circuitously…and what’s even funnier, is that she’s the SECOND bride i’ve photographed this year with the exact same story.  they came, they read, they clicked on off-beat bride…where they found wai-ching.)

they didn’t really have a traditional bridal party…but these are her “cronies”.  i love how her colour scheme was orange/pink (or porange)…she just gave a general “wear a dress in this colour palette”…and it totally works!  and matches her bouquet perfectly.  rock on.

hannah & jeff’s ceremony was one of the most moving ones i’ve witnessed since i began this whole wedding photographer gig…and i’d expect nothing less from a couple who met at seminary!

they sang one of my very favourite hymns

hannah’s grandparents, who have been married approximately 412 years, prayed with them at the end of the ceremony.

their preaching teacher from seminary performed the ceremony.  she knew them both well, which made it that much more special…and the message was incredibly moving.  this is her benedicting.

ever my favourite:  husband and wife!
(and the flower girl going for round 2 to showcase her petal-tossing skillllllz.)

(i like to give flower girls special twirling opportunities to really ROCK their dresses.  also, these two were everyone’s sweethearts on the dance floor all.night.long.)

even though we’d already take the bride and groom photos…when the sun came out, i had to grab them for a few more with that delicious light!

they had really unique rings.

one of the other unique things they did was hire a bluegrass band instead of a dj…those guys were fun and kept everyone moving all night long.

i probably overshot their first dance (to bramble & the rose), but they were just SO into each other…it was lovely.  i think they were in their own universe.

this guy was a crazy awesome dancer and the kids were eating it up…i love this moment of the flower girl trying to copy his moves.

(hannah’s mom told me she didn’t smile nicely in photos.  i told her not to worry about it.)

hannah & jeff…thanks for asking me to be a part of your celebration!  it was full of love and colour, and i hope that’s a good indication of the rest of your life together!

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Haley6 September 2008 - 01:55

Thanks for giving us credit for “Porange”!

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