gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

sara & rob–engaged

sara & rob got engaged in rockport, ma.  so…when it came time to decide where we should go for their engagement session…there was no contest.  they wanted to revisit the “scene of the crime.”

the light was really, really beautiful.

the same scene from two different vantage points:

isn’t it incredible how different the colours are?
(speaking of colours…total tangent, but:  i am not on any of my own computers…i’m using this ancient desktop with a crappy dell monitor, and i’m actually sort of horrified by how my images look on it.  i am in no way one of those uber-geeks who is all, “your computer using experience is totally not valid unless your monitor is calibrated and renders colour correctly!”  BUT…it does make a pretty dramatic difference.)

we walked past the restaurant they ate at just before rob popped the question…i darted in, “do you mind if we just go use one of the tables on the balcony for a photo really quickly?”

(basically…if you tell people that someone is engaged or just got married, etc, etc…you can get some incredible permissions for photo ops!)

(that sign says, “no photo taking inside, please.”  well…we weren’t inside, were we?  nooooo.

sara really wanted a hand-kissing picture…and i loved this golden light and the green fence/wall…

these two already got married, so…stay tuned for their wedding post coming up sooooon.

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Luanne5 September 2008 - 16:59

Of course being Sara’s mom…I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!!! 🙂

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