gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

kris & kristen-engaged

confession: whenever i am hired by photographers, i am both hugely flattered and enormously intimidated. kris & kristen are both photographers, like…went to college and got photography degrees photographers. with FILM. (film is scary, man.) kris works in a still life studio and kristen works for CARL ZEISS. holy crap.

anyway, they drove up to portsmouth yesterday, and we had a FANTASTIC time. i couldn’t get over how different kris was on the phone vs how he was in person. on the phone, he was very academic and proper sounding…in person…well, let’s just say i have almost as many outtakes where was making some ridiculous face or pretending to eat kristen’s head as i do keepers. his explanation/excuse? “i’m a gemini.” (he had to explain the whole “twin…2 people in one body…? nothing?” to me. for the record, i’m not much into astrology, but he definitely did have…variety…in his personas. :-D)

also, these two are TALL! i am 5’3″. that, in case you didn’t know, is NOT tall. also…i have a sprained ankle, so i was hobbling about. put a definite cramp in my “climb on stuff!” style of shooting. but we got some great shots, and i got to explore new parts of portsmouth i hadn’t shot in before (in the name of gwyn-not-walking-too-much.) all in all, i’d say it was a resounding success!

without further ado:

also, i think this was a record for me…shoot one day, DONE the next? wow. go me.

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