gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

today’s dream

alternate title: proof that commercials really work!

i just saw a commercial for nova scotia…and it reminded me HOW MUCH i want to go to halifax and prince edward island.

i LOOOVVEE to travel. (i’ve been to viet nam, singapore (coolest airport ever!), bolivia, mexico, colombia, philippines, UK (x3), indonesia, new zealand (FAVOURITE! x3), australia (x2), ireland…and…that might be it. wait! i almost forgot…i spent the night sleeping on the lawn in front of the airport in tahiti once. tahiti does NOT have the coolest airport ever. i don’t recommend overnight layovers at all.) in fact, 2006 was the first year since 1996 that i DIDN’T get a stamp in my passport. i tried valiantly to get my parents to go to nova scotia with me for christmas…it didn’t work out. 🙁

SO…someone needs to fulfill their anne of green gables fantasy and have a beachside wedding on prince edward island…and that person needs to hire me to shoot that canadian atlantic destination wedding. i’ll even give you a discount or something!

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Marina17 July 2007 - 22:11

let me know when you are headed to hawaii!


gwynethcolleenphotography17 July 2007 - 22:18

marina…i went to school in indiana but there was this weird contingent of imported students from hawai’i…and somehow they became my “group”…i can refer to “slippers” and “____-guys” and spam musubi with the best of ’em. 😀 anyway, i’ve been wanting to go there since FOREVER. and i’ll definitely look you up.

andrea27 July 2007 - 16:36

so gwyn… i am shooting a wedding in halifax next may…

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