gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

so, this one time…i actually ATTENDED a wedding.

my friends hannah and zach got married. and then they got married again. and then they had a wedding. we all find that quite tremendous. (he’s in the army, so…the multiple marriages/ceremonies were for logistical AND sentimental AND tradition purposes)

their wedding-wedding was in oklahoma, and it was the first one i’ve attended…in a non-involved (ha!) capacity…maybe ever.

i went to my babysitter’s wedding when i was little, but bek-the-sister and i wore our special jessica mcclintock outlet dresses and passed out programs. the flower-girl consolation prize…we were ok with it, because we got frilly pink dresses. i went to my honourary brother jeremy’s wedding in 1998 and held the cup for communion…hey…i had to wear a pretty pink dress again and stand on stage, so…that counts as involvement, right? then bek-the-sister got married in 2003, and i spent the morning of the wedding frantically trying to finish my dress…and wishing to GOD i actually LIKED margaritas so i could relax. i’ve managed to not attend any of my college/hs friends’ weddings because they get married in far off and ridiculous places like calgary, or south bend, indiana, etc…

i’ve gone to countless weddings in the last couple years…but when i’m behind the lens, it’s quite different. so. this was an experience. i learned how to use floral wire and tape and made some really cute corsages and boutonnieres.

got to photograph the bride on the loo (i am extremely eccentric, and there is something about the disparity of the huge white dress, and the very non-ceremonial call to nature…combined w/ the fact that said white dress is SO HUGE that it renders the delicacy of the situation basically non-existent–that just cracks me right up!)

the distracted little flower girls walked in to “concerning hobbits”…hilarious AND apt.

the groom is a west point grad, so of course they had a saber arch…i had a sleeping flower-girl on me at this point as i was given child-duty so mom and dad could play their respective parts in the ceremony, so i didn’t actually take this photo…i just directed. 😀

i love the light on this one

oh, and me…with sleeping flowergirl…who didn’t get her nap that day, so it’s a good thing i had snacks and toys and several years of childcare experience under my belt…no crying during the ceremony!

i totally helped design this bouquet. well…why not…i’ve seen one or two this year. 😀

the bride has 6 younger brothers…who decorated the car. this window says, “guess what we’re doing tonight?” ha.

then some friends asked me to take a few pictures for them during the reception…doesn’t really matter that i wasn’t the official photographer, huh? ‘s ok. it’s what i do.

hey look! i got them all to look…and the baby isn’t crying or grizzling! i must be a magician.

course…sometimes the moments they don’t know i’m watching are the best

then we had a little fun in the pastor’s study…churches sometimes have…INTERESTING things in their closets. like john lennon wigs.

lastly…the afterparty…at which the army fellows demonstrated how long they can last before all the bud lights catch up with them. heh. (some of them did quite well. the one on the floor…did not.)

i’m feeling extremely motivated to catch up on TONS of things i did not blog about this summer/fall, so…stay tuned. and hound me if you don’t see regular posts. nagging: it works!

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