gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

jason & barrett: married|boston massachussetts wedding photographer

jason and barrett got married about a month 3.5 months ago (i’ve been working on this post for 3 months…i am the worst blogger ever) in west roxbury, ma. her dad works for the roxbury latin school…so there was never really anywhere else on the list. she grew up wandering around its beautiful grounds and has known the priest there since she was “yea high.”

the whole day was perfect…relaxed and elegant, just like jason and barrett. (well, the flower girls weren’t particularly relaxed and elegant so much as little firecrackers more full of energy and spunk than any 3 little girls i think i’ve ever met.)

can you guess what happened next?

(don’t worry; the blow dryer did the trick. silk shantung can handle champagne or water and dry gracefully. however, it does not do as well with breastmilk. just for reference.)

barrett’s dad picked everyone up in the roxbury latin school bus for the short trip over to campus. jason was waiting so he could get a first look at his beautiful bride.

they wanted to do all the group pictures before the ceremony (so they could enjoy their cocktail hour), which i love!  their bridal party was lots of fun, and when i told them to do something silly…they totally went with it.  (it was a full mass ceremony, and there is usually a point in the service where the priest exhorts people to greet one another.  so i told the bridal party to do that…and then i couldn’t talk for 3 minutes because i was laughing too hard.  see?)

there are so many things i love about this picture…so many fantastic expressions!

after the ceremony, it was time for my very favorite part: bride & groom portraits. wedding days usually move super quickly…it’s always a creative challenge to take the tiny slice of time allotted for these pictures, and make it feel like there were no time constraints…only time for love and beauty and creativity. i think jason, barrett, and i slam-dunked this in our 15 minutes. 😀

first dance. what i love so, so, so much about this image…they are flanked by their respective parents…and they’re even on the right sides! and i didn’t arrange it…i just got in the right place at the right time.

after the parent dances, everyone started to get their dance on…but my time at the party was drawing to a close.

but…tip: if you want to get me to stay a little later, even after i’ve already checked in and we’ve said, “ok, we’re all good”…have the DJ start playing “sweet caroline” as i’m heading out. i am a new england girl, and i physically canNOT make myself leave until after the last note has played.

(barrett & jason are very savvy and cunning people, and they did this very thing. and i THANK them for it. a new england wedding with dancing is not complete until sweet caroline has had its playtime. i’m just saying.)

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jess4 December 2009 - 00:59

beautiful! love the light and colors! but i think you are crazy about Sweet Caroline. i try to run away when they play that at receptions. 😉

Jen4 December 2009 - 06:47

Gwyn, I do believe this is my fabourite shoot you’ve shown us yet. Love Love LOVE those B&G portraits.

Gail4 December 2009 - 08:35

GORGEOUS!!! I am SO in love with the gals’ and their green dresses! I think my fave weddings are the ones where I fall in love with the bridesmaids’ wardrobe! This one is definitely one of those!

Fabulous wedding photography; I love the pictures of the girls opening up the champagne, it makes you feel like you are there. Great job!!

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