gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

i’m it!

Margaret Singer-she of the rockstar hairdo-tagged me. I am meant to tell you 8 things about myself…but I like the spin she put on it. Sort of a 3 truths and a lie flavor. I am going to tell you 9 things, and one of them is wildly untrue. Tell me which one you think is the fib. I like comments!

1. I name my cats after horrible international despots
2. I once ate Thanksgiving dinner on a submarine
3. I speak Spanish
4. I went skydiving in New Zealand
5. All of my family members live in “new” states.
6. I have been to all but 7 states
7. I once ran all but the last mile of the Boston marathon
8. I have read War & Peace
9. I jumped off the escape hatch on aircraft carrier flight deck
I’m supposed to tag people now. I’m reasonably certain that anyone I would tag has already been tagged…so. I’ll tag a few token people.

1. Marina
2. (I would have put Rachel here, but Margaret already got her.)
3. Cherie
4. Ashley
5. Kim
6. Andrea
ETA…i am tagging one more.
7. Tasha

I think that’s it. Remember, tell me which one you think is bogus.

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tasha21 August 2007 - 16:41

with you.. no telling.
but, i think you are crazy.

Ashley O'Dell21 August 2007 - 19:20

I’m going to go with #4, you have never went sky diving. Obviously this is a wild guess, since we’ve never actually met, but I’m getting a fear of heights vibe from your blog. And I’m not totally sure what being tagged means. I’m not very hip.

Anonymous22 August 2007 - 06:15

Ohhh, Sissy. This is too easy. But I’m not going to ruin it for anyone else!
Everyone else– It’s not the one you think it is! Or even the one after that!

Becky Miller22 August 2007 - 10:41

I think….the Spanish one is a lie.

amdawson22 August 2007 - 10:49


jennifer22 August 2007 - 12:29

i’m going to guess #6

Katie22 August 2007 - 20:29

Holy cow! I can’t believe only one of these is a lie! I have no idea which one it is, but I feel so boring after reading all these. :oP

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