gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

new blog! new blog! new blog!

ok, new blog might not be the most precisely correct term.  it is the same old blog, but with a facelift, so it looks younger!  and prettier!  and 10lbs lighter!

my friend jessica weiser (who ROCKS, and is also a photographer, and is in portland, me) does magic with css and voodoo and black cauldrons and who knows what else…and she turns out fantabulous looking blogs.  like this one.  she’s fantastic to work with, and if i wasn’t pretty sure she wasn’t taking on any more web design clients, i’d tell you to rush on over.

so, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think!  in a lot of ways it takes all the stuff i loved from the old design and carries it over, so at first glance, it may not appear that different.  but it is!  changes made include:  room for bigger images!  (that’s what it’s all about, right?), easier and cleaner navigation…at the top of the screen, and no need to click on “comments” to leave one or read someone else’s.  they’re right there and you can choose to see them or hide them w/o navigating away from the main page.

hope you love it!  i know i do.

(also, i went to flatbread in portland a few weeks ago, and the awesome jess bought ME dinner…even though i should have been falling all over myself thanking her.  THAT’S how much she rocks.)

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jess28 October 2008 - 00:04

aww thank you friend! 🙂 you rock!! this is for sure one of my favorites that i’ve facelifted 😉

Garrett28 October 2008 - 05:35

Hooray for new blogs and free dinner! Looks good!

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