gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

claire & bobby-part 2

**i started this post, oh, roughly…a couple ice ages ago. LAST time everyone was worried about global warming. al gore’s caveman great-great-great-great-great-great (x70) grandfather made a cave-painting about his concerns.**

as promised, here are the lovely photos of claire & bobby…the ones that show their sweet, tender, loving sides…(though, there’s a fair bit of playfulness mixed in here, too.)

aren’t her eyes stunning?

this forest was magical…it’s one of those places that you see and feel, but when you try to capture it, you always fall short. much like mountain ranges, the ocean, etc…one of my greatest frustrations as a photographer. 😀

i’ve heard some people say they don’t like to hold hands…i don’t understand it myself. it’s such a tender, intimate gesture…”i want to be connected to you.” claire and bobby were connected the whole time.

this one kind of gives me chills. look how peaceful and at rest they are together. it’s like they didn’t even know (or care) that i was there. they were in their own special place.

this isn’t of them…it’s just a little ornament they had in front of their lake house, but i liked it.

claire thinks the “future mrs. ________” shorts/tank tops/etc are a bit silly, so bobby made her this shirt…i love it

these two have so much fun together…and their wedding is going to be a BLAST! only 2 more weeks! (i’ll wait till then to tell you about all the crazyawesomehilarious things they’ve got planned to celebrate their marriage.)

see you july 12th, guys!

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