gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer


happy new year, everyone!

what’s the deal with time? it just barrels at you like a freight train, and NEVER gives you a break! i feel like i’m always on the run…anyone else?

and, because of that, and my oldest child penchant for “being right” and “doing it well”…combined with my fierce procrastination tendencies…i am always loathe to make new year’s resolutions. because as i’ve been told…i’m “self-intelligent”…and i KNOW i’ll probably give up after a couple months. (so why set myself up for failure? i mean, come on now!)

that said…i am also quite a goal oriented person, and i think i’m fairly good at making things happen in my life. SO…i guess what i’m trying to say with all this random psycho-babble is: i am so very, very cognizant of the fact that it has been a MONTH since i posted here. a month. and that is in no way because i’ve had nothing to say. so, one of my goals for 2008 is to be a much more prolific blogger. i don’t have to have all 20 of my favourites ready to post here…it’ll be o-k. 😀

keep me accountable, peeps!

before i go…amy flew in from WI to second shoot for me at the VERY fabulous 12/30 wedding i just photographed. (stay tuned!) we explored the north end of boston the next day, and she grabbed this shot of me…she loves it because it’s so very quintessentially me: polka dots, camera, red, and you can even sorta see my red chuck taylors.

(ps: the super blonde is going away soooon…i am not the kind of girl who can handle maintaining those roots every 3 weeks. GROSS!)

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