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Prince Edward Island adventures|traveling photographer

When I was in Canada a few weeks back, Zach & Sarah were kind enough to plan a little extra adventuring to let me more thoroughly experience the maritimes. I am a girl, so of COURSE I grew up watching Anne of Green Gables (though…confession…didn’t READ them until, like, last year. SHAME!) and entertained dreams of visiting the LMM-ian mecca. Zach & Sarah made that possible…so, woo for them!

Also, I highly recommend Zach as expedition-master. He does things most people wouldn’t…but it makes it a way, way good time. (For instance, during low tide in NS, the morning after the wedding, we were walking on the tidal flats…getting attacked by crabs, digging up oysters…the usual. He found a shrimp…and because he was “in character” as the crocodile hunter, he ate it. I believe his exact quote was, “The regret I feel from that decision is intense and ongoing.” or something like that. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Do not eat raw, unpeeled, living shrimp.

Some of these pictures are theirs nicked from facebook, so please forgive the aesthetically inferior formatting.

My foot being attacked by a crab. He was really going after me…unfortunately for him, those boots of Sarah’s were, like…kevlar or something. A wimpy little crab wasn’t going to make much of a dent.

Then we hopped a ferry to PEI. AWESOMETASTIC fact about PEI…you only have to pay to leave there. We took a car ferry…4 people + vehicle…for FREEEE! (It costs about $45 to drive back across the bridge to New Brunswick…but I liked our ferry + bridge circuit.)

(I was having a crazy good hair day. so flat. so not frizzy. Amazing.)

Stella was totally into the ferry.

There’s a winery on PEI that shares Sarah’s last name…so that was our first top. They had a friendly winery dog that was…seriously…the cutest dog I have ever seen in my life. Also, he won points because he TACKLED zach. SRSLY. Was a takedown. It was wicked awesome. (Unfortunately, I do not have photographic evidence.)

Stella totally agreed that he was super awesome.

Zach & Sarah convinced me to take a 24 hour hiatus from my no-sugar-October-plan because when in PEI…you MUST eat Cows.

in the corner…that’s gooey mooey. There’s some crazy high ratio of caramel to ice cream.

I’m going to need to go back sometime…I was racing to beat the clock so I could still eat my ice cream within my 24 hour time limit…so, I was eating that ice cream at about 10:30 in the morning…TOO EARLY. (I KNOW! I wouldn’t have thought that was possible either.) I…I can’t believe this is even true, but…I didn’t even finish my ice cream! I threw more than half of it away!

Then it was time to head to Green Gables!

Anne’s room. It’s not at all how I pictured it!

After that we had to indulge Zach’s manly expeditionary heart…headed over to the coast for some adventuring.

Zach running down the sand dunes near Cavendish.

me preparing to run down the dunes near Cavendish.

me being awesome-but out of focus-after running the dunes.

me running out on a cliff near Cavendish. All the roads/dirt on PEI are this red color. It’s kind of awesome. Especially when it turns the ocean that color. Surreal to wake up to! O NOES! It’s a plague! Oh. Wait. JUST KIDDING.

and then we stopped in the middle of the road because a fox wanted to come say hello. (That shadow is the shadow of our car.)

This post is already out of control, so I’ll stop here, but stay tuned for the portraits of the super cute Zach+Sarah+Stella family!

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Gail2 November 2009 - 08:43

Okay, so how bad is it that in all my reading and in all the books I have, I OWN Anne of Green Gables but have never READ it?!!! So, I had no clue that the novel was set on PEI …but oh my my how your pictures make me want to go to there!

PS – You’re cute. 🙂

Nichole2 November 2009 - 10:36

Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you!

scotty4 November 2009 - 22:33

i love you. and i love crabs. but i do not have crabs. but if i did, i would’ve gotten them from you, since i love you.

that could potentially be a haiku

Kay14 November 2009 - 06:55

I want to see what you saw! Have always wanted to visit the home of my ancestors, but never had the time or inclination until viewing your pictures. Thank you!

d a v i d m o l n a r19 November 2009 - 23:59

I am jealous. i miss the beach so much. hey thanks for checking out the photos. i really appreciate it!

-David and Tammy

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