gwyneth colleen photography » portland, or wedding photographer

Nick & Katie

I went to college with Nick. We were in the same literature class, and I was always impressed and mildly intimidated by how successfully cerebral he was. I say successful, because I’m sure you’ve met intellectual people that just kind of…weren’t quite right. They were either obnoxiously pretentious, or completely inaccessible, but not in an appealing, mysterious way. Anyway…he was cool.

Then we were both youth sponsors at the same youth group. That church was awesome…they took care of their youth sponsors, thusly, Nick and I found ourselves members of a group given our professors’ full blessing to take an entire week off classes to accompany some high schoolers down to Florida. We were driving buddies. And neither of us had driven a 15 passenger van before. So, given our level of experience, the powers that were determined we were clearly the most suited to drive one of the two (of 3 or 4) vans with trailors on the back. Nick and I did not concur. It was very unnerving, but…we made it to Florida and back sans incident.

Anyway, the whole point of this post is that Nick found his girl. And she’s great. And they asked me to come to Indiana to photograph their wedding. When he told me they were having a HOG ROAST reception on a FARM…I practically started salivating. Oh the possibilities! (One major disappointment…the hog was not in…photogenic…condition when I arrived. Unless you consider shredded pork in big white coolers photogenic.)

they got married at St. Matthew’s Church in South Bend.

I’d done a family session the evening before with some other college friends, and we discovered an amazing location just a few minutes drive from the church. Nick and Katie were up for a detour for the entire wedding party.

yeah, they’re giving me “blue steele”, “magnum”, and “le tigre”. (The one groomsmen had never seen Zoolander! I thought it was kind of a requirement for all guys who were in college around the time it came out, but…I was wrong.)

Nick’s nephews were really shy…none of my normal “get kids to smile” strategies were working, so…I asked them to make farting noises. I mean, they’re young boys, right? GUARANTEED to make them giggle. The little one in the middle wasn’t having any of it. He just kept staring right through me. Finally he busted out with this:

and it cracks me up, because he’s still so SERIOUS about it!

Nick and I have sort of kept in touch since college…so I saw photos of him and Katie on his blog, and they were always wearing sunglasses. So I begged him to bring them on their wedding day.

there were lots of kids at the wedding…they had a giant trampoline and even set up a slip’n’slide for them. Brilliant. This is Nick’s niece, and I’m not sure, but I think it’s possible she’s the cutest little girl who’s ever lived.

um. I love this. so much.

this is my friend Sam. It was nice to take a few minutes and sit down with my iced tea and catch up. He drooled over my awesome lens.

I REALLLLLY wanted to get them up on that tractor, so I could hardly contain my glee when Nick expressed the same desire.

my favorite!

The amazing Carol, who opened her home/land to them and worked UNCEASINGLY behind the scenes to make sure everything went smoothly. They were so lucky to have her. She’d recently gotten married and said she didn’t have any nice photos of the two of them, so I made sure I grabbed a couple.

(I should probably take photos of me w/ the bride and groom at some point BEFORE the end of the day…Let me tell you…after 6 hours outside in 90-ish degree weather…laying on the ground, climbing around tractors and the like, my hair is…well, it’s remarkable that it doesn’t look worse, let’s just say that. :-D)

Nick and Katie, I had SO much fun. Thanks again from bringing me out to join the party. I pray an amazing and blessed marriage for you two.

(The rest of my favorites are here.)

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Kristina Young16 August 2007 - 09:57

Hi! It’s Kristina from class! I saw your name on a jessicaclaire comment and wanted to come say hi! Your work is gorgeous! Let me know if you have anything in the fall you need cheap help with. I am mostly still messing around, but plan to get a bit more serious in the winter…

gwynethcolleenphotography16 August 2007 - 10:24

thanks kristina! i’ll let you know if i’ve got anything coming up that i need an assistant for…

Anonymous16 August 2007 - 14:06

Thanks for sharing this link with us. And I’m glad you explained about the pictures of the boys. They were making those strange faces and I was wondering what you must’ve said to them. You’re right. They are EXTREMELY shy toward strangers. -Nick.

fidelio photography17 August 2007 - 22:11

awesome work, g! 🙂

Katie19 August 2007 - 21:39

These are gorgeous! I love that one of them by the bale of hay!

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